Insider Profile | Stuart Ross
Tour Manager

Stuart Ross became world famous for walking out of settlements when he didn’t agree with the results. He demanded that all Tom Waits shows become scalper free, which resulted in the development of paperless tickets. When he was 13 years old, he told Jim Morrison to leave the stage. A powerful and ruthless manager asked him to lighten up on a promoter. He is the only person who was at every single Lollapalooza tour show. He’s done time as a tour manager, tour accountant, festival producer, licensed agent, conference partner, and personal manager. Sometimes all at the same time. He took a failing production conference and made it thoughtful. Out of this resulted in the dialogue that begat the Event Safety Alliance for which he is proud to serve as a founding member. His goals for the event industry are for all of us to work with best business and safety practices, make sure every patron goes home safely, treat each other with respect, and know that if you’re looking where everyone else is looking, you’re in the wrong place.

Stuart Ross | Tour Manager

Stuart Ross | Linkedin

 “When a manager gets a stack of resumes, we wanna pick out the person
who’s most appropriate for our client because you know we don’t want to hear from them.

- Stuart Ross


LISTEN: Elevating Your Music Career Through Live Performance with Tour Manager
and Co-founder of Lollapalooza Stuart Ross [MIP047]



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 This episode of the MUBUTV Insider Podcast is brought to you by the Music Business Registry. The Music Business Registry is the leading music industry publisher of the most up to date contact information for major and independent record label A&R, Music Publishers, Artist Managers, Attorneys, Music Supervisors and much much more.

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